Prevention, Intervention & Inclusion: Harmful Sexual Behaviour and young people with additional support needs
The most recent SOLD event was held on Wednesday 3rd April at Strathclyde University in Glasgow.
This was the second of two interconnected events organised in partnership by the SOLD Network, the Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice, and the Scottish Transitions Forum. Both of these events focused on the subject of harmful sexual behaviour and young people with additional support needs, and explored inclusive strategies for prevention and early intervention.
A previous consultation event, Staying Safe: Exploring the needs of young people with additional support needs who experience or present with Harmful Sexual Behaviour and their families, was held in Edinburgh in February. Discussions in February were used to inform the agenda in April.
There is a lot of good work being done to intervene effectively with young people who exhibit signs of harmful sexual behaviour (HSB). However, this work is largely focused on the general population. It is therefore important to ensure that young people with learning disabilities; autism; speech, language and communication needs; and/or other additional support needs are not unfairly disadvantaged or excluded, and that they have equal opportunity to benefit from early intervention.
This event was attended by 100 delegates from a range of backgrounds including professionals from education, social work, academia, voluntary sector organisations, and the Scottish Government, parents and people with learning disabilities and autism. Insight from young people with additional support needs was included anonymously.
Speakers at the event included Stuart Allardyce (Stop It Now! Scotland), Clare Allely (University of Salford), Beth Hannah (University of Dundee), and Jana de Villiers (Forensic Network), Steve Robertson and Tony Bowman (SOLD).
Workshops included providing community services for people with a forensic label (Richmond Fellowship Scotland; Working with children and young people with learning disabilities who have harmed sexually and their parents/carers and support network (Keep Safe); Relationships, sexual health and parenthood education (TASC Scotland); Sex and relationships education and support that keeps everyone safe (People First Women’s Group); Our rights and what works for us (SOLD User Group); Our work with children and young people with additional support needs who display harmful sexual behaviour (The HALT Service); A mother’s story: what agencies need to know about internet porn’s effect on the brain of an adolescent with ASN (The Reward Foundation).
Please use the links below to obtain copies of papers, presentations and reports:
Also, please use this link to explore a selection of resources that might be useful for addressing some of the issues raised at this event: