This supplement to the Principles of Good Transitions 3 has been written by the Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ), with support from the Scottish Transitions Forum and the SOLD Network.
It brings together information for all those who work with these children and young people in any setting – in the community, through services, at school or in a residential setting – and combines this with words from the young people themselves.
“it’s important for me to be a part of the plans and reports written about me, and for people to know the good things about me” Young Person – Secure Care Standards
Principles of Good Transitions 3 provides a framework to inform, structure and encourage the continual improvement of support for children and young people with additional support needs between the ages of 14 and 25 who are making the transition to young adult life. These principles apply equally to those children and young people who are vulnerable because they are in conflict with the law, or are at risk of being so.
“This publication is for everyone who works with children and young people who are in conflict with the law or at risk of this. It is relevant to all settings and all organisations and services that play a part in children and young people’s lives.” Dr Gill Robinson, Chair, Improving Life Chances Implementation Group, Youth Justice Improvement Board