Derek Penman, HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary in Scotland, gives his opening address
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The videos on this page include keynote presentations from the events and conferences that we have hosted, and which cover such subjects as support in police custody, court, alternatives to forensic hospital detention, and support to comply with prison and community payback orders. Also available are examples of members of the SOLD User group talking about their own experiences of the criminal justice system, and a few other films that you may find interesting.
Derek Penman, HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary in Scotland, gives his opening address
Watch the videoStephen Heath reviews the role and scope of appropriate adult services and suggests areas for possible improvement
Watch the videoAllan Speirs gives his experience of being a man with learning disabilities in a police interview
Watch the videoExplains the role of registered intermediaries in providing communication support in police custody in Northern Ireland
Watch the videoReview of the evidence for the use of screening tools in police custody
Watch the videoSupt MacCormick gives the police perspective on the importance of fair access to justice for all
Watch the videoImproving support for the accused person with a learning disability from arrest to court
Watch the videoImproving support for the accused person with a learning disability from arrest to court - Opening address
Watch the videoMembers of the SOLD network discuss their work
Watch the videoIs this a way to ensure the early identification, proper assessment and staff training and improve the range of services available
Watch the videoImproving support for the accused person with a learning disability from arrest to court - Summing Up - Sheriff Andrew Cubie
Watch the videoPanel discussion given at Supporting Offenders with Learning Disabilities event, August 2016
Watch the videoIntermediaries in England and Wales: Messages for the developing role of appropriate adult in Scotland
Watch the videoPresentation given at Supporting Offenders with Learning Disabilities event, August 2016
Watch the videoImproving support for the accused person with a learning disability from arrest through to and including the court process
Watch the videoInsight into how support services can be improved for people with a learning disability
Watch the videoA forthright account of experiences of the Criminal Justice System
Watch the videoPaul Wellard speaks out about his experiences after leaving prison. His story reveals the lack of support given to offenders when they leave prison
Watch the videoPaul Wellard opens up about the difficulties he experienced when he left prison
Watch the videoPeople with learning disabilities are entering criminal justice systems throughout the world at phenomenal rates
Watch the videoA starting point is changes at the point of first contact with the criminal justice system
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